White Bridal Bouquet, Bridesmaid bouquet
White Bridal Bouquet, Bridesmaid bouquet
Having an all white wedding? This bouquet is for you. Bringing romance and elegance to your wedding celebration with this gorgeous white roses, daisies bouquet, added greenery and finished with white satin ribbon and crystals. You can never go wrong with white
- Materials: silk flowers and greenery, satin ribbon, crystals
- 12ā diameter, 16ā with leaves
- 18ā tall
- You will also get a matching boutonniere (for each bouquet) as a gift from me š.
- If you want to make any changes to the bouquet design pictured (flowers, ribbon, add on...), please contact me before placing your order.
- All bouquets are made to order, so please no exchange or return.
- Production time is about 1-4 weeks depending on the size of order, then order will be shipped within 2-4 weeks after clear payment. Custom order might take longer.
- Rush orders are welcomed. Please contact me with your postal code and date before placing order.
- All sizes are approximate
Send us a message if you need bigger size.
ā¤ļø Thanks for visiting my shop and congratulations on your wedding/ event!